Friday, May 21, 2010


Where your treasure is, there your heart will also be. -Luke 12:34

What's your treasure? Is it your spouse, children, job, bank account? Maybe it's something you've accomplished? I've learned in the past week or so that my treasure is something which I hoped it never would be.

Two weeks ago I wrote a post about loving God with all your heart. In it, I quoted Mark Batterson: "Loving God with all your heart means having a heart that breaks for the things that break God's heart."

Recently, my heart has been breaking over change; most specifically change in scenery. Months ago, my grandfather moved out of his home and into a retirement home. This was no big deal at first, but then he put his house on the market. To be honest, this crushed me. There were so many memories that occurred there! How could we get rid of something that had so much potential for future memories?

Last week though, my grandfather's health started to fail. As I write this, he lay in a hospital bed. Our hope is that he will soon be transferred to a nursing home. Unfortunately, it was this change that helped me to realize that my heart had not previously been breaking due to change. It was breaking because a possession that I loved was soon to be lost. It wasn't breaking because my Grandfather was becoming less independent. It wasn't breaking because he was lonely. It wasn't breaking for the same reason God's heart was breaking.

It was breaking because I didn't want to lose a house. I found my treasure. I found my heart. I just didn't find it where it should be.

In the past week, though, God has straightened my heart out. Although I'll miss being able to go to the house, what I'll miss more is, someday soon, not being able to go visit my grandfather. My treasure is no longer a house, my treasure is my loved ones.

What is your treasure? Once you find it, you'll find your heart. Then the real question is this: Does your heart look like God's?
