Sunday, July 12, 2009

Guys Night....Yes.

Tonight was indeed a glorious night. It was guys night at youth group. Nothing against all you girls out there, but every once in a while we all need to split up. (Did I mention it was girls night too? Just at a different location). Anyhow, I just felt the need to give all of you out there who were unable to attend a breakdown of the festivities that occurred tonight.

1. We set two couches on fire. They burned quickly.
2. We played 2 intense games of handball. My team lost both. It was dumb.
3. We switched to Volleyball. My team lost 2/3. It was dumb.
4. We started a fire and grilled over it. Well kind of. By grilled I really mean we used a rake, a snow shovel, a garden hoe, and two machetes to "cook" items such as toaster strudels, cheese sticks, bacon, shrimp, and cinnabuns.

All in all it was a fantastic night. Getting to hang out with the guys can lead to awesome conversations and it always provides great stories to share afterward.

Girls-we have no clue what you did. Let us know by commenting on this blog. Don't give us too many details though-just the basic breakdown. :)